A moment on a bus #46

Bus PPD (Djakarta Public Transport company) number 46 operates at Cililitan – Grogol route. The buses itself are imported from Japan. Sometimes you can find all the Japanese characters and sign still intact inside the bus.

When operated in its passenger capacity the bus is quite comfy to sit on one of its hard seat or just stand freely enjoying gentle breeze that comes from its always opened doors or windows. However it’s just a rare occasion. Most of the time you’ll find yourself sweating while standing in a full packed bus hanging on one the hanger.

Just like any other public transportations in Jakarta, you’ll find some people trying to make a living on the bus. From selling mineral waters, newspapers, accessories, masker, performing music (ngamen), begging for donations or even pickpocketing.

I don’t know what will happen to the bus when Trans Jakarta line IX (Pinang Ranti – Pluit which pass the bus route) is fully operated.

Kota Seni

Kota Seni, originally uploaded by anmsid.

Kota Seni (Art Town) is an abbreviation from “Komunitas Taman Seni Indonesia” which literally means Indonesian Art Park Community.

Performing arts -especially a chamber music- in a park maybe not such a big deal in other cities like in Europe. But here, in Jakarta it’s definitely a unique thing to do. Most people here would rather choose to spend their weekend at a mall than playing at a park.

There’s not so many park in Jakarta either, only a few are well managed. Most of them just become a place for couple hanging out until after midnight or become a perfect shelter for homeless and hobos spending the night.

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Looking for a better life

Looking for a better life, originally uploaded by anmsid.

A trash scavenger with other men looking at publicly displayed newspaper job vacation ads in front of Pikiran Rakyat office, Bandung.

This photo was taken quite some times ago on my trip to Bandung, using my old 50mm f/1.8 lens. I converted the colors to BW using Picasa. Played with highlight and shadow setting to boost the contrast.

As you may noticed, I just started to use this wordpress.com account for photoblog. All photo will be fetched from my flickr account to reduce redundancy and bandwidth usage.

I hope I’ll consistently keep posting on this blog.